Enterprise Management Theater

From: Summit '94 <summit_at_ix.netcom.com>
Date: 27 Sep 1994 06:06:44 GMT
Message-ID: <368cpk$5be_at_ixnews1.ix.netcom.com>

The Enterprise Management Summit '94 will feature a live theater where leading vendors will compete to present the most effective enterprise management solution. In this theater will be a live enterprise computing environment. Networks will include SNA, DECNet, NetWare, and TCP/IP. Systems will include MVS, VMS, DOS, and UNIX. Windows, NT, desktops, distributed applications and databases will also be present along with enterprise management platforms and applications.

During Summit '94, we will attempt to "break" this network by introducing a series of hazards. These include (but are certainly not limited to) traffic congestion alarm floods, broadcast storms, applications that hang mysteriously, lost host connections, locked terminals, and forgotten passwords. Each vendor in the theater will have their chance to show how their enterprise management platform and applications deal with these hazards.

The theater works like this:

  1. Each vendor will have 90 minutes to present their solution.
  2. No demos will be allowed. Each vendor must respond to the scenarios that have been given them by Summit '94. (see below)
  3. The audience will evalute each presentation. Vendors will be evaluated on how well their solution dealt with each hazard; how easy or hard to implement the solution appears to be; how technically advanced the solution is; and the completeness of the solution.

The scenarios are grouped as follows:

I Asset Management - Auto Discovery; Inventory II Fault Management - Network Analysis; Multiple Alarms;

	Management of Disk Space; Data Base Management; Problems with
	DECNet/SNA, NetWare; Trouble Tracking & Ticketing
III  Administration - Security, Productivity Tracking,
	Configuration Management, Software Distribution

Participating vendors in the theater are:
* Bull

  • Computer Associates International
  • Digital Equipment Corporation
  • Hewlett-Packard
  • IBM
  • NetLabs
  • Objective Systems Integrators

Summit '94 will take place this November 14-18 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. For more information, call 1-800-340-2111 (415-512-1325 outside the US). Email: emiinc_at_mcimail.com or summit_at_ix.netcom.com Received on Tue Sep 27 1994 - 07:06:44 CET

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