ProC fails to find table on a TWO_TASK env. Help!!

From: Jukka Keto <>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 07:05:18 GMT
Message-ID: <>


	My Pro*C program always fails (ORA-0942) when i execute
	9:th cursor operation on a TWO_TASK environment. 

- Connection is made with the username that owns the table.
- No synonyms or views with the same name exist.
- sqlplus finds always tables in question, and queryes work fine.
- Pro*C module that does the connection has been compiled
with standard default MAXOPENCURSOR=10 (or rather without it) value.
- Same binary program works OK on a different machine using
the same database server (no links bethween). Question is: Is it possible that Oracle in TWO_TASK environment fails to dynamically allocate new cursors for process when initial cursor cache is used? Has anyone anywhere experienced similar problem? If so, please mail corrective actions to me. Have a hunch? Please mail me. Environment: Oracle RDBMS V6. SCO-Unix 3.2 2

Jukka Keto []

PS: Pardon my English. Received on Fri Apr 15 1994 - 09:05:18 CEST

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