Re: Textfile viewer for Unix

From: Tommy Wareing <>
Date: 14 Apr 1994 09:18:38 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I, Tommy Wareing ( wrote:
> The real advantage I've found with cdimore is that it copes with long
> lines. Some of the reports we produce are 180 characters by 60 lines
> per page, and cdimore handles these quite well. It's my understanding
> (I haven't tried it) that less will wrap these lines to whatever the
> display width is, rather than allowing the user to scroll sideways.

> Does anyone have a PD program that would allow us to get around this
> problem.

> We're on UNIX platforms btw: SunOS and Dynix.

John Turnbull (john_at_com.thunderstone) has since informed me about a program called "most", which allows scrolling forward, backward and sideways on a file. These seems to be what we need. I haven't checked to see whether it copes with screens taller than 24 lines.

It does have some problems: the source code is ANSI C (which my poor Sun C compiler hated until I alter all the function declarations); some of the documentation is out of date, and it's set up for VT-type terminals (which covers most, but not all of ours).

If there's enough pressure, I might look at fixing the terminal dependance problems.

  _________________________   ______________________________________
 /  Tommy Wareing          \ /  Whadda you mean it's all my fault?  \
|   X   Deny everything, and if you can't:   |
 \  0865-483389            / \             Pass the Buck            /
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Received on Thu Apr 14 1994 - 16:18:38 CEST

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