Re: Data Model Question: International Address/Phone Nbrs

From: Jim Armes <>
Date: 2 Apr 1994 01:53:32 GMT
Message-ID: <2nij6s$>

In article <2ng2iq$> (DAGMARA_at_DELPHI.COM) writes:
> I am designing a data model to include US and international addresses
> and phone numbers. The co. wants to use the state code as a country code,
> and zip code as a character field to permit international postal codes.
> Also, a field is being added for the international calling number. I am
> opposed to these ideas; I think a third line should be added for address and
> the country/postal codes will be entered on this line (I know, I know,
> no integrity constraints, but a designer's gotta do what you gotta do).
> I am thinking there should be an additional field for international phone
> numbers. Please feel free to critique these ideas; and provide suggestions.

We've had several discussions about address information, most of them coming out as follows:

   1)a minor entity table for state_code/state_description      with foreign key to country table
   2)a minor entity table for country_code/country_description    3)zip becomes a 15 or more character field (remember, US zips are going to 9 digits as well) If you want to check the field, you could add a 'zip type' field to the country table ( eg - US ZIP_TYPE = 'N'umeric, Others = 'A'lpha )

   4)phone numbers can either be part of the address table or separated into a phone table that would allow you to support an infinite number of phones for a person/org.

   Hope this is useful

# Jim Armes          | I've got a Pentium and you do not #
#  Matrix-Man        | nahh nahh nah nah nahhhh...       #
#                    |                                   #
#Trident Data Systems| but IiiiiM a lumberjack and I'm ok#
#     |I sleep all night & I work all day.#
Received on Sat Apr 02 1994 - 03:53:32 CEST

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