Re: Extract table data to file in ascii format

From: <>
Date: 28 Feb 94 12:09:29 EST
Message-ID: <>

In article <>, writes:

> If you're interested, send me an email note and I'll send it to you. I have a
> version that works for ORACLE6 and another that works for ORACLE7.

Actually, rather than have everyone send me a request, here are the scripts.

Bob Swisshelm                |     | 317 276 5472
Eli Lilly and Company        | Lilly Corporate Center  | Indianapolis, IN 46285

REM This script builds an SQLPLUS dump script and a SQLLOADER control file 
REM for any table or view. This version was written for ORACLE7.
REM Author:	Bob Swisshelm
REM		Eli Lilly and Company
REM		Lilly Corporate Center
REM		Indianapolis, IN 48285
REM Internet:
REM Modification log
REM 19-Nov-93	Swisshelm	add sequence numbers to each temp record
REM				to maintain their insert order
REM 18-Nov-93	Swisshelm	set the default spacing to 0, but allow
REM				it to be overridden
REM 18-Nov-93	Swisshelm	increase the size of the working strings
REM				set the linesize of the output file based on
REM 				the maximum line size of the data.
REM				break the date information onto two lines so
REM				that it won't take up so much space.
REM 08-Nov-93	Swisshelm	lowercase all file names for UNIX compatibility
REM 08-Nov-93	Swisshelm	Fixed bugs:
REM				Have dump script set NUMWIDTH and LONG
REM				Uppercase the table owner and name
REM 07-Nov-93	Swisshelm	Created
REM Parameters:
REM  view_prefix
REM      Use DBA_TAB_COLUMNS or ALL_TAB_COLUMNS to determine the structure 
REM      of the table? Defaults to ALL.
REM  t_owner
REM      The owner of the table. Defaults the the current user.
REM  t_name
REM      The name of the table.
REM  control_file
REM      The file name for the SQLLOADER control file that will be created.
REM  dump_script_file 
REM      The file name for the SQLPLUS script file that will be created. This
REM      script should be run to dump the table data to a flat file that can
REM      be loaded using the control file.
REM  dump_data_file 
REM      The file name of the data file that will be created when the SQLPLUS
REM      script file is run.
REM  max_record_length
REM      The maximum record length of the dump data file. If this length is
REM      less than the length of the logical record, SQLPLUS will wrap the
REM      data to multiple records. The SQLLOADER control file will include the
REM      CONCATENATE clause to put the records back together. The default 
REM 	 value of 0 for max_record_length means that no wrapping will be done.
REM  date_format 
REM      The date format to use when dumping and loading data for DATE fields.
REM      The default is 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' to include time data.
REM  n_width 
REM      The field width for numeric data. Defaults to 10.
REM  long_width 
REM      The field width for long data. Defaults to 200.
REM  spaces
REM      The number of spaces between data fields. Defaults to 0.
REM Notes:
REM The dump script sets the heading for any NUMERIC columns to 'A'. This is 
REM done because SQLPLUS will make a numeric column as wide as its heading,
REM even if the heading is longer than NUMWIDTH, and even if headings are off.
REM The default date format of DD-MON-YY is changed to DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS
REM to also dump the time. The procedure makes an attempt to compute the 
REM maximum width that a date field could need, and causes all dates to be 
REM displayed using that width. I make no guarantees if you use bizarre 
REM date formats.
REM I have not tested this script against tables that have RAW or LONGRAW
REM datatypes.
REM If the record length is very long (3000 or so), you may not be able to
REM open the dump file on VMS using TPU or EVE. I think that this is because
REM SQLPLUS spool files on VMS have the Stream_LF format. This procedure
REM uses the parameter max_record_length to determine whether or not to wrap
REM the logical rows to multiple physical rows. The control file uses the
REM CONCATENATE option to combine the physical records into one logical record.
set echo off
set verify off
set feedback off
set sqlcase mixed
REM Define SQLPLUS columns so that we can use a SELECT statement to assign
REM default values to parameters that were not entered.
col control_file 	new_value 	control_file 		noprint
col dump_script_file 	new_value 	dump_script_file 	noprint
col dump_data_file 	new_value 	dump_data_file 		noprint
col max_record_length 	new_value 	max_record_length 	noprint
col view_prefix 	new_value 	view_prefix 		noprint
col t_owner 		new_value 	t_owner 		noprint
col t_name 		new_value 	t_name 			noprint
col date_format 	new_value 	date_format 		noprint
col n_width 		new_value 	n_width 		noprint
col long_width 		new_value 	long_width 		noprint
col spaces 		new_value 	spaces 			noprint

select user t_owner from dual;

accept view_prefix -
       prompt 'Enter the TAB_COLUMNS view to use (ALL): '
accept t_owner -
       prompt 'Enter the table or view owner (&t_owner): '
accept t_name -
       prompt 'Enter the table or view name: '
accept control_file -
       prompt 'Enter the control file name (&t_name..ctl): '
accept dump_script_file -
       prompt 'Enter the dump script file name (&t_name._dump.sql): '
accept dump_data_file -
       prompt 'Enter the dump data file name (&t_name..dat): '
accept max_record_length -
       prompt 'Enter the maximum record length for the dump file (0):'
accept date_format -
       prompt 'Enter the date format (DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS): '
accept n_width -
       prompt 'Enter the numeric width (10): '
accept long_width -
       prompt 'Enter the long width (200): '
accept spaces -
       prompt 'Enter the number of spaces between fields (0): '

REM Set defaults for the fields that were not entered.
select	nvl('&view_prefix','ALL') 			view_prefix,
	nvl('&t_owner',user) 				t_owner,
	nvl('&control_file','&t_name..ctl') 		control_file,
	nvl('&dump_script_file','&t_name._dump.sql')	dump_script_file,
	nvl('&dump_data_file','&t_name..dat') 		dump_data_file,
	nvl('&max_record_length','0') 			max_record_length,
	nvl('&date_format','DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') 	date_format,
	nvl('&n_width','10') 				n_width,
	nvl('&long_width','200') 			long_width,
	nvl('&spaces','0') 				spaces
	from dual;
REM Set the file names to lower case
select	lower('&control_file')		control_file,
	lower('&dump_script_file')	dump_script_file,
	lower('&dump_data_file') 	dump_data_file
	from dual;
REM Table1 will have one row for each column in the table. It will the
REM column definition for both the dump script and for control file.
drop sequence ctl_temp_insert_seq;
create sequence ctl_temp_insert_seq;
drop table ctl_temp_table1;
create table ctl_temp_table1
	( column_id 	number,
	  column_select varchar2(200),
	  column_def 	varchar2(200),
	  comma_field 	varchar2(1),
	  comma_field2 	varchar2(1));
REM This table will hold the contents of the dump script file.
drop table ctl_temp_table2;
create table ctl_temp_table2
	( column_id	number,
	  column_name 	varchar2(200));
REM This table will be used to build the SQLLOADER control file.
drop table ctl_temp_table3;
create table ctl_temp_table3
	( column_id	number,
	  column_name 	varchar2(200));
REM Here is the PL/SQL block that drives the whole process.
  date_width 		number;
  date_format 		varchar2(50) 	:= '&date_format';
  n_width 		number 		:= &n_width;
  long_width 		number 		:= &long_width;
  spaces		number 		:= &spaces;
  start_pos 		number 		:= 1;
  end_pos 		number;
  column_select 	varchar2 (200);
  column_def 		varchar2 (200);
  comma_field		varchar2 (1);
  datestuff 		varchar2 (100);
  datestuff2 		varchar2 (100);
  t_name 		varchar2(30) 	:= upper('&t_name');
  t_owner 		varchar2(30) 	:= upper('&t_owner'); 
  test_date 		date;
  temp_id		number;
  concat_num 		number;
  max_record_length 	number 		:= &max_record_length;
  cursor tmp_cursor (towner varchar2, tname varchar2) is
	 select column_id, column_name, data_type, data_length
	 from &view_prefix._tab_columns
	 where owner = towner and
	       table_name = tname
	 order by column_id;

/* */
/* we need to find out the maximum length of a date field using the supplied */
/* date format. Hopefully this date is a good test. */
/* */
test_date := to_date ('28-SEP-3777 23:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'); date_width := length(to_char(test_date,date_format)); for tmp_record in tmp_cursor(t_owner,t_name) LOOP -- By default, use the column name in the SELECT inside the dump file column_select := tmp_record.column_name; -- Enclose the column name in double quotes in the control file column_def := '"' || tmp_record.column_name || '"'; comma_field := ','; datestuff := ' '; datestuff2 := ' '; if tmp_record.data_type = 'DATE' then end_pos := start_pos + date_width - 1; -- specify the DATE format and the NULLIF clause for DATE fields -- DATE "date_format" NULLIF "column_name" = BLANKS comma_field := ' '; datestuff := ' DATE "' || date_format || '"'; datestuff2 := ' NULLIF "' || tmp_record.column_name || '" = BLANKS'; -- Have to use TO_CHAR in the dump file to get the proper date format -- substr(to_char(column_name,'date_format'),1,date_width) column_select := 'substr(to_char(' || tmp_record.column_name || ',''' || date_format || '''),1,' || date_width || ')'; elsif tmp_record.data_type = 'NUMBER' then end_pos := start_pos + n_width - 1; -- need to set column heading in the dump file insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ( ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval, 'column "'||tmp_record.column_name||'" heading a'); elsif tmp_record.data_type = 'LONG' then end_pos := start_pos + long_width - 1; else end_pos := start_pos + tmp_record.data_length - 1; end if; -- build the rest of the control file column definition column_def := column_def || ' POSITION (' || start_pos || ':' || end_pos || ')' || datestuff; insert into ctl_temp_table1 values ( ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval, column_select, column_def, comma_field, ','); if tmp_record.data_type = 'DATE' then insert into ctl_temp_table1 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval, null, datestuff2, ',', ','); end if; start_pos := end_pos + spaces + 1; -- get ready for the next column end LOOP;
/* */
/* We're getting ready to build the dump file script, so the last column's */
/* comma needs to be changed to a space. */
/* */
update ctl_temp_table1 set comma_field = ' ', comma_field2 = ' ' where column_id = (select max(column_id) from ctl_temp_table1);
/* */
/* If they did not enter a maximum record length, set it to the end_pos. */
/* */
if max_record_length <= 0 then max_record_length := end_pos; end if;
/* */
/* Build the dump file script */
/* */
insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'set space &spaces'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'set linesize ' || max_record_length); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'set pagesize 0'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'set feedback off'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'set termout off'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'set numwidth &n_width'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'set long &long_width'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'spool &dump_data_file'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'select'); select ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval into temp_id from dual; insert into ctl_temp_table2 select temp_id + column_id/10000, column_select || comma_field2 from ctl_temp_table1 where column_select is not null; insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval, 'from ' || t_owner || '.' || t_name || ';'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'spool off'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'set feedback on'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'set termout on');
/* */
/* Build the first part of the control file. */
/* */
insert into ctl_temp_table3 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'load data'); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'infile &dump_data_file'); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'badfile '|| lower(t_name) || '.bad'); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'discardfile '|| lower(t_name) || '.dis'); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'insert'); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval, 'concatenate '||ceil(end_pos/max_record_length)); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval, 'into table ' || t_owner || '.' || t_name); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values (ctl_temp_insert_seq.nextval,'(');
/* */
/* Now the last column should be followed with a ')' */
/* */
update ctl_temp_table1 set comma_field = ')' where column_id = (select max(column_id) from ctl_temp_table1); end; . / set pagesize 0 set termout off set feedback off spool set__line__size.tmp select 'set linesize '||max(length(column_def)+1) from ctl_temp_table1; spool off _at_set__line__size.tmp spool &control_file select column_name from ctl_temp_table3 order by column_id; select column_def || comma_field from ctl_temp_table1 order by column_id; spool off spool set__line__size.tmp select 'set linesize '||max(length(column_name)) from ctl_temp_table2; spool off _at_set__line__size.tmp spool &dump_script_file select column_name from ctl_temp_table2 order by column_id; spool off drop sequence ctl_temp_insert_seq; drop table ctl_temp_table1; drop table ctl_temp_table2; drop table ctl_temp_table3; set feedback on set termout on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REM BUILD_CTL6.SQL REM REM This script builds an SQLPLUS dump script and a SQLLOADER control file REM for any table or view. This version was written for ORACLE6. REM REM Author: Bob Swisshelm REM Eli Lilly and Company REM Lilly Corporate Center REM Indianapolis, IN 48285 REM REM Internet: REM REM Modification log REM REM 08-Nov-93 Swisshelm lowercase all file names for UNIX compatibility REM 08-Nov-93 Swisshelm Fixed bugs: REM Have dump script set NUMWIDTH and LONG REM Uppercase the table owner and name REM 07-Nov-93 Swisshelm Created REM REM Parameters: REM view_prefix REM Use DBA_TAB_COLUMNS or ALL_TAB_COLUMNS to determine the structure REM of the table? Defaults to ALL. REM t_owner REM The owner of the table. Defaults the the current user. REM t_name REM The name of the table. REM control_file REM The file name for the SQLLOADER control file that will be created. REM dump_script_file REM The file name for the SQLPLUS script file that will be created. This REM script should be run to dump the table data to a flat file that can REM be loaded using the control file. REM dump_data_file REM The file name of the data file that will be created when the SQLPLUS REM script file is run. REM max_record_length REM The maximum record length of the dump data file. If this length is REM less than the length of the logical record, SQLPLUS will wrap the REM data to multiple records. The SQLLOADER control file will include the REM CONCATENATE clause to put the records back together. The default REM value of 0 for max_record_length means that no wrapping will be done. REM date_format REM The date format to use when dumping and loading data for DATE fields. REM The default is 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' to include time data. REM n_width REM The field width for numeric data. Defaults to 10. REM long_width REM The field width for long data. Defaults to 200. REM REM Notes: REM REM The dump script sets the heading for any NUMERIC columns to 'A'. This is REM done because SQLPLUS will make a numeric column as wide as its heading, REM even if the heading is longer than NUMWIDTH, and even if headings are off. REM REM The default date format of DD-MON-YY is changed to DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS REM to also dump the time. The procedure makes an attempt to compute the REM maximum width that a date field could need, and causes all dates to be REM displayed using that width. I make no guarantees if you use bizarre REM date formats. REM REM I have not tested this script against tables that have RAW or LONGRAW REM datatypes. REM REM If the record length is very long (3000 or so), you may not be able to REM open the dump file on VMS using TPU or EVE. I think that this is because REM SQLPLUS spool files on VMS have the Stream_LF format. This procedure REM uses the parameter max_record_length to determine whether or not to wrap REM the logical rows to multiple physical rows. The control file uses the REM CONCATENATE option to combine the physical records into one logical record. REM set echo off set verify off set feedback off REM REM Define SQLPLUS columns so that we can use a SELECT statement to assign REM default values to parameters that were not entered. REM col control_file new_value control_file noprint col dump_script_file new_value dump_script_file noprint col dump_data_file new_value dump_data_file noprint col max_record_length new_value max_record_length noprint col view_prefix new_value view_prefix noprint col t_owner new_value t_owner noprint col t_name new_value t_name noprint col date_format new_value date_format noprint col n_width new_value n_width noprint col long_width new_value long_width noprint select user t_owner from dual; accept view_prefix prompt 'Enter the TAB_COLUMNS view to use (ALL): ' accept t_owner prompt 'Enter the table or view owner (&t_owner): ' accept t_name prompt 'Enter the table or view name: ' accept control_file prompt 'Enter the control file name (&t_name..ctl): ' accept dump_script_file prompt 'Enter the dump script file name (&t_name._dump.sql): ' accept dump_data_file prompt 'Enter the dump data file name (&t_name..dat): ' accept max_record_length prompt 'Enter the maximum record length for the dump file (0):' accept date_format prompt 'Enter the date format (DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS): ' accept n_width prompt 'Enter the numeric width (10): ' accept long_width prompt 'Enter the long width (200): ' REM REM Set defaults for the fields that were not entered. REM select nvl('&view_prefix','ALL') view_prefix, nvl('&t_owner',user) t_owner, nvl('&control_file','&t_name..ctl') control_file, nvl('&dump_script_file','&t_name._dump.sql') dump_script_file, nvl('&dump_data_file','&t_name..dat') dump_data_file, nvl('&max_record_length','0') max_record_length, nvl('&date_format','DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') date_format, nvl('&n_width','10') n_width, nvl('&long_width','200') long_width from dual; REM REM Set the file names to lower case REM select lower('&control_file') control_file, lower('&dump_script_file') dump_script_file, lower('&dump_data_file') dump_data_file from dual; REM REM Table1 will have one row for each column in the table. It will the REM column definition for both the dump script and for control file. REM drop table ctl_temp_table1; create table ctl_temp_table1 ( column_id number, column_select char(100), column_def char(100), comma_field char(1)); REM REM This table will hold the contents of the dump script file. REM drop table ctl_temp_table2; create table ctl_temp_table2 ( column_name char(100)); REM REM This table will be used to build the SQLLOADER control file. REM drop table ctl_temp_table3; create table ctl_temp_table3 ( column_name char(100)); REM Here is the PL/SQL block that drives the whole process. declare date_width number; date_format char(50) := '&date_format'; n_width number := &n_width; long_width number := &long_width; start_pos number := 1; end_pos number; column_select char (100); column_def char (100); datestuff char (60); t_name char(30) := upper('&t_name'); t_owner char(30) := upper('&t_owner'); test_date date; concat_num number; max_record_length number := &max_record_length; cursor tmp_cursor (towner char, tname char) is select column_id, column_name, data_type, data_length from &view_prefix._tab_columns where owner = towner and table_name = tname order by column_id; begin
/* */
/* we need to find out the maximum length of a date field using the supplied */
/* date format. Hopefully this date is a good test. */
/* */
test_date := to_date ('28-SEP-3777 23:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'); date_width := length(to_char(test_date,date_format)); for tmp_record in tmp_cursor(t_owner,t_name) LOOP -- By default, use the column name in the SELECT inside the dump file column_select := tmp_record.column_name; -- Enclose the column name in double quotes in the control file column_def := '"' || tmp_record.column_name || '"'; datestuff := ' '; if tmp_record.data_type = 'DATE' then end_pos := start_pos + date_width - 1; -- specify the DATE format and the NULLIF clause for DATE fields -- DATE "date_format" NULLIF "column_name" = BLANKS datestuff := ' DATE "' || date_format || '" NULLIF "' || tmp_record.column_name || '" = BLANKS'; -- Have to use TO_CHAR in the dump file to get the proper date format -- substr(to_char(column_name,'date_format'),1,date_width) column_select := 'substr(to_char(' || tmp_record.column_name || ',''' || date_format || '''),1,' || to_char(date_width) || ')'; elsif tmp_record.data_type = 'NUMBER' then end_pos := start_pos + n_width - 1; -- need to set column heading in the dump file insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('column "'||tmp_record.column_name||'" heading a'); elsif tmp_record.data_type = 'LONG' then end_pos := start_pos + long_width - 1; else end_pos := start_pos + tmp_record.data_length - 1; end if; -- build the rest of the control file column definition column_def := column_def || ' POSITION (' || to_char(start_pos) || ':' || to_char(end_pos) || ')' || datestuff; insert into ctl_temp_table1 values (tmp_record.column_id, column_select, column_def, ','); start_pos := end_pos + 2; -- get ready for the next column end LOOP;
/* */
/* We're getting ready to build the dump file script, so the last column's */
/* comma needs to be changed to a space. */
/* */
update ctl_temp_table1 set comma_field = ' ' where column_id = (select max(column_id) from ctl_temp_table1);
/* */
/* If they did not enter a maximum record length, set it to the end_pos. */
/* */
if max_record_length <= 0 then max_record_length := end_pos; end if;
/* */
/* Build the dump file script */
/* */
insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('set space 1'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('set linesize ' || to_char(max_record_length)); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('set pagesize 0'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('set feedback off'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('set termout off'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('set numwidth &n_width'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('set long &long_width'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('spool &dump_data_file'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('select'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 select column_select || comma_field from ctl_temp_table1; insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('from ' || t_owner || '.' || t_name || ';'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('spool off'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('set feedback on'); insert into ctl_temp_table2 values ('set termout on');
/* */
/* Build the first part of the control file. */
/* */
insert into ctl_temp_table3 values ('load data'); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values ('infile '|| lower(t_name) || '.dat'); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values ('badfile '|| lower(t_name) || '.bad'); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values ('discardfile '|| lower(t_name) || '.dis'); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values ('insert'); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values ('concatenate '|| to_char(ceil(end_pos/max_record_length))); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values ('into table ' || t_owner || '.' || t_name); insert into ctl_temp_table3 values ('(');
/* */
/* Now the last column should be followed with a ')' */
/* */
update ctl_temp_table1 set comma_field = ')' where column_id = (select max(column_id) from ctl_temp_table1); end; . / set linesize 132 set pagesize 0 set termout off set feedback off spool &control_file select * from ctl_temp_table3; select column_def || comma_field from ctl_temp_table1; spool off spool &dump_script_file select * from ctl_temp_table2; spool off drop table ctl_temp_table1; drop table ctl_temp_table2; drop table ctl_temp_table3; set feedback on set termout on
Received on Mon Feb 28 1994 - 18:09:29 CET

Original text of this message