Re: Calculations in SQL

From: Ian Bainbridge <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1993 14:38:24 GMT
Message-ID: <>

In article <>, (MAHearnden) writes:
>From: (MAHearnden)
>Subject: Calculations in SQL
>Reply-To: (MAHearnden)
>We're using RDBMS, on an HP-UX (not that I feel the
>platform is especially relevant).
>I've got two tables: table one has a number field called
>connects, table two has a number field called irequests.
>The tables don't have fields of the same name.
>The tables are created in such a way that the total 'connects' in table1
>should equal to the total 'irequests' in table2.
>I want to check that this is so while the tables are being updated.
>The speed of Oracle is such (!) that if I do this in two
>separate sql statements, they won't be simultaneous.
>So I tried the statement
>select sum(connects),sum(irequests) from table1,table2
>and got utterly different results: one result was 8 digits
>instead of 4, the other was 6 digits instead of 4.
>The only thought that crossed my mind was that SQL had
>done a join of some kind: but why?
>Mavis Hearnden
>Computer Centre
>Loughborough University,

    My Introduction to RDBMS Part 1 Page 7-7 says :-

    Product :

         When a join condition is invalid or omitted completely,
         the result is a PRODUCT, and all combinations of rows will be

     Your select has joined EACH row of table 2 to EVERY row of table 1
     to give the unexpected result you obtained.

     Try :

     select 'Connects',  sum(connects)  from table1
     select 'Irequests', sum(irequests) from table2;


| Ian Bainbridge           |Working Philosophy:          |Sensible Advice :    |
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| British Gas ERS,         |Just trying to get to Friday |Don't Eat The Yellow |
| Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK  |with as little harrasment as |Snow  - Frank Zappa? |
| Phone: 091-216-0202      |possible                     |                     |
Received on Fri Nov 12 1993 - 15:38:24 CET

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