Re: Need help creating PL/SQL stored procedure

From: Fred Schulz <>
Date: 5 Nov 1993 18:32 CST
Message-ID: <>

In article <>, writes...

>--sometimes,  when i try to create a procedure or function, i get the message:

> Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors
>--unfortunately, the errors are not listed

>--it would be helpful to know which (if not all) lines of code actually caused

> the errors

>--is there a way to get more meaningful diagnostic messages when this happens?

Here is one way that may work. I have not tried it with stored procedures, only with pl/sql scripts destined to run in pro*c or sql*plus.

Create a dummy form. Then put the pl/sql into the inp file in a trigger (say key-startup). Then use designer to edit the trigger. When you commit the changes, the trigger is compiled, and the errors are explicitly identified.

Kind of a lot of work, but it works... Hope it helps you out.

Fred Schulz Received on Sat Nov 06 1993 - 01:32:00 CET

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