Ordering records

From: Jeroen Hermans <b09_at_nikhef.nl>
Date: 4 Nov 93 12:43:05 GMT
Message-ID: <2615_at_nikhefh.nikhef.nl>

Hello everybody,

I have a problem with ordering records. When I insert records they are shown in order by the order of inserting them into the database. Now I give each record a seperate following-up-number so that they will be ordered by that number. When I want to insert a record between existing records all the records below the new record has to get a higher number and the record witch is insert the right number. How can I give all the records below a higher number?
I hope I have made myself clear.

Jeroen Hermans
Holland Received on Thu Nov 04 1993 - 13:43:05 CET

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