From: Ray Chance <>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1993 20:30:44 GMT
Message-ID: <>

John Crupi ( wrote:
: I am unable to create a trigger in sql/plus.

'scuse me...I was not aware you were attempting this in SQL*Plus; I assumed you were using Forms since you mentioned triggers, and didn't specifically mention you were using ORACLE7. You are using ORACLE7, ja? Otherwise there is no trigger event in the database itself. Look in the V7 guide for the types of trigger events....and go from there. Again, apologies - thought you were talking Forms.

: Can someone please give me the syntax
: on creating a trigger which INSERTS a value
: into a COLUMN of a newly created RECORD.

A matter of semantics, can't insert a value, only a row. You must update an existing column, or insert an entire row.... "update <table> set column_name = <sequence_name>.nextval   where ..." <-- where you only update the specific row you want updated   

: By the way I want to insert a SEQUENCE.nextval
: into the COLUMN.

: Thanks.

Received on Wed Oct 13 1993 - 21:30:44 CET

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