Public Domain Oracle Forms 2.3 conversion tools

From: Michael Winters <>
Date: 23 Aug 1993 08:51:04 -0400
Message-ID: <25aefo$>

Like many Oracle sites, we are tasked with the eventuality of trying to clean up old Oracle 2.3 and even Forms done entirely back in version 2.2 trigger logic to new 3.0 PL/SQL code. We are in the process of getting 3.0 Forms up and will be obviously, converting all our 2.3 forms to 3.0 by generating the 2.3 forms under 3.0. Now, the question comes to getting the 2.3 logic into PL/SQL. I hope to be able to purchase or "lease" some commercial conversion tools to help with this task, whether they are Oracle Case and/or third party conversion tools. But, until that occurs and in conjunction with that situation, I would still like to develop some in-house tools. Our DBA, some time ago, came up with a program that lists 2.3 triggers in an easy-to-read fashion. I wish to go a step further and attempt to come up with a structured logic flow of the 2.3 triggers. For now, it doesn't have to look just like PL/SQL, but the main purpose would be to ease "reverse engineer" old 2.3 forms that need to have trigger modifications. Does anybody know of any public domain software that does such a thing? The language it is implemented in is not that important, since it could be ported to Rexx, which we use a lot (we are an IBM 4381 VM/CMS shop). Any Rexx programmers wish to collaborate on such an effort? The idea is to possibly come up with some useful tools which would elminate some of the manual drudgery that is involved in wading through spaghetti coded forms!! :--) Thanks for any information you might have on this subject.

  • Michael Winters (202)606-3330
Received on Mon Aug 23 1993 - 14:51:04 CEST

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