Making a copy of a LONG datatype

From: Willy Jacobs <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1993 11:58:35 GMT
Message-ID: <>

I want to make a copy (with SQL*Plus Version RDBMS V6. on a SparcStation) of a column of datatype long. The table definition is:

SQL> describe requirement_text

 Name                            Null?    Type
 ------------------------------- -------- ----
 REQUIREMENT_TEXT                         LONG

The column REQUIREMENT_TEXT contains variable length ASCII text strings (also with blank lines).

Using something like:

SQL> insert into requirement_attributes values('1695', '');

SQL> update requirement_text
set requirement_text = (select requirement_text from requirement where requirement_key = 319) where requirement_key = 1695;

Here the " (select requirement_text...) is not permitted (ORA-0997: illegal use of LONG datatype. Accoring the manual the message is correct.

Is there a way to just make a copy requirement_text.requirement_text with just SQL*PLUS?

Any help is appreciated.

Willy Received on Thu Jul 08 1993 - 13:58:35 CEST

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