Page size in ReportWriter

Date: Fri, 21 May 1993 09:53:59 GMT
Message-ID: <>

  Hello ! I hope someone can give me some advice on the following problem.

  While running a report, I have two options : either print or display on screen. If I set my page size to 66, I will be able to print fully on paper, thus maximising the paper usage. But displaying on screen will pose some inconvenience since I will have to go into windows mode (I found this browsing and windows modes of Reportwriter very cumblesome). The thing is that I want to display on screen a page size of only 30 and I can browse through easily just by page up and page down.

  Is there any way to overcome this ? I have thought of using two identical reports, one for print, the other for display on screen, but that seems very cumblesome also. Or is there any way to change the function keys to make the switching from browse to windows mode faster and more convenient ? Another thing is that could I have some text in the centre of the page that will be shown on the screen but not printed out (this particular report is running straight down with no breaks) ?

  Advance thanks for any help. Greatly appreciated.

Scott Received on Fri May 21 1993 - 11:53:59 CEST

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