RE: Compute difference between date/time fields problem.

From: <>
Date: 19 Mar 93 09:30:58 EST
Message-ID: <>

>>I have a table that contains a date/time field. Sometime later
>>I would like Oracle to compute the difference between the current
>>date/time and the data field. This result should be expressed in
>>I would like to implement the solution through Pro-C. Could this
>>be done through SQLPLUS?
>>Replies, e-mail or through the newsgroup, are appreciated.

I have a table with start and complete dates. There was a need to produce a SQL Report with the time that it took for a report to be executed. I tried subtracting the dates but with you place a timestamp on the date field, it seems that Oracle will give you a julian number instead of a formatted date. To solve this problem I came up with the following SQL*Plus statement. This is crude but it works:

rem	Date:	24-Feb-93
rem	Author:	Brian Stanek (Profound Consulting)
rem	Description:	This script will produce a report that shows all of
rem			the reports, for an application, who executed
rem			the report and the time to complete.  If no application
rem			code is entered, all applications are displayed.

rem column formats
column rpt_name format a46 wrap heading 'Report Name' just center column rqstr_user_id format a15 wrap heading 'User' just center column execution_time format a15 heading 'Execution Time|DD:HH:MI:SS' just cent column code_desc noprint new_value aptn_name rem
rem Title
ttitle center aptn_name skip 2
rem Break points
break on code_desc skip page on rpt_name skip 1 rem
rem Select statement
select code_desc, rpt_name, rqstr_user_id, replace ( /* Number of days */

		to_date(start_dtm,'DD-MON-YYYY')  - 
	|| ':' ||
/* Number of hours */
	to_char ( 12 - 
		to_number (
				to_date(to_char(cmplt_dtm,'SSSSS') - 
	|| ':'||
/* Number of minutes and seconds */ 
		to_date(to_char(cmplt_dtm,'SSSSS') - 
   ,' ')

from rad_rpt_list rli, rad_rpt_usage rus, rad_validation rva
where rli.rpt_id = rus.rpt_id
and   rli.aptn_code = nvl(upper('&aptn_code'),rli.aptn_code)
and   rva.valid_code = rli.aptn_code
and   rva.column_name = 'APTN_CODE'

order by 1,2

This statement produces the following report:

                               test glits reports                               
                                                               Execution Time   
                 Report Name                        User         DD:HH:MI:SS    
---------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------  
GLT_14DB_UPD_DATES                             OPS$RZX2134     00:00:00:27      
                                               OPS$RZX2134     00:00:01:07      
GLT_24LOT_CLOSE                                OPS$RZX2134     00:00:00:12      
                                               OPS$RZX2134     00:00:00:12      
PRINT_POSTSCRIPT                               OPS$RZX2134     00:00:00:42      
                                               OPS$RZX2134     00:00:00:35      
                                               OPS$RZX2134     00:00:00:29      
TABLE_INDEX                                    OPS$RZX2134     00:00:00:46      
                                               OPS$RZX2134     00:00:00:45      
                                               OPS$RZX2134     00:00:00:39      
                                               OPS$RZX2134     00:00:00:38      

If anyone else has a better way to do this, with or without PL/SQL, please post to this newsgroup (I cannot receive/send Email).

Brian Stanek
Profound Consulting

Disclaimer: I know nothing. (Hogan's Heros) Received on Fri Mar 19 1993 - 15:30:58 CET

Original text of this message