Detect uncompiled units in PLL file?

From: Malcolm Dew-Jones <>
Date: 21 Dec 2007 11:21:52 -0800
Message-ID: <476c1250$>

I am using Oracle tools 10GR2.

In the past I have always used .plx files in forms projects, but on this project we are supposed to just the use the .pll directly.

For the most part this seems to work fine, but one minor problem is that if someone saves a .pll without completely compiling it first then any uncompiled code in the .pll causes errors later.

I can do a compile check (i.e. create a plx) to confirm a pll _can_ compile, but even so, that doesn't ensure the pll _is_ already compiled, ready to go.

Does anyone knows how to detect uncompiled code in .pll files without opening them in "by hand" in Forms Builder and looking at the object display?

Also, I am wondering if there is a tool to compile .pll files "in place" in some kinda batch mode. I.e. Instead of using frmcmp to create a compiled .plx, what I want is to produce a .pll file, like when you do a Shift+Ctrl+K in Builder.

Thanks for any feedback.

Malcolm Dew-Jones Received on Fri Dec 21 2007 - 20:21:52 CET

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