3 tables join

From: Nick <nachiket.shirwalkar_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2007 07:46:23 -0800
Message-ID: <1194536783.934485.291200_at_e9g2000prf.googlegroups.com>

[Quoted] I have have 3 tables TableA, TableB and TableC. TableA holds the keys to TableB and TableC. I need a query which will display the details from TableB and TableC depending on the key in TableA.

For eg.

TableA - columns {id, relatedkey, recordType} ===recordType will hold values like TableB or TableC
TableB - columns{id, column1}
TableC - columns{id, column1}

the query should match the related key to the id of TableA or table B based on recordType and show the column1 value with the TabelA id so output for this should be

id recordType column1

1      TableB             value of TableB column1
2      TableC             value of TableC column1

Please help.

Nick Received on Thu Nov 08 2007 - 16:46:23 CET

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