Getting the schema of a View

From: David C. Barber <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 22:49:12 -0700
Message-ID: <>


[Quoted] [Quoted] We have an Oracle 10 (I believe) database, but none of the tools to go with [Quoted] [Quoted] it yet due to budget constraints. You know how it is with Oracle tools. It [Quoted] runs a single vendor application comprising over 1400 tables and views. Now [Quoted] we have to pry open the hood a little bit and get some data out. The vendor [Quoted] documentation is trash, but I have a View that contains the data I'm interested in. My problem is to trace back to the original tables that comprise this View. Can anyone recommend any good Open Source (read: Free) [Quoted] tools that can help me with this? I only have to do this maybe a few number [Quoted] of times, which makes it hard to justify investing big bucks otherwise, and [Quoted] I don't read DDL myself.

Thanks! Received on Fri Jul 07 2006 - 07:49:12 CEST

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