Seperate two procedures

From: Joe <>
Date: 12 Jun 2006 11:46:29 -0700
Message-ID: <>


[Quoted] I had a package I want to use to do an audit. The package has a procedure and I have renamed the package to a procedure and seperated few procedures. Right now I have a procedure inside a procedure and I want either make it as one procedure and use the same code or seperate it to a seperate procedure. I treid few methods and it failed. How do I do
that. I am attaching the procedure:
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure Check_For_Gabriel_Holes( in_netId number, in_year number, in_qtr number ) is

   ld_snapshotDateTime date := sysdate;
   cursor lc_GabrielAiring( in_typeId number ) is

      select ld_snapshotDateTime

,sell_sch_id net_id
, bday
,ss.s_offset offset
,p.len len
,ss.s_week week_of
-- Start time is offset + start of day + plus partial sid offset
,ss.s_week +(nettm.broadcast_begin_time +ss.s_offset +ss.bgn_offset )/86400 start_dttm -- End time is offset + start of day + plus partial sid end offset if present or len
,ss.s_week +(nettm.broadcast_begin_time +ss.s_offset -- throw out any spare seconds from the pp blocks that sometimes arise +trunc(decode(ss.end_offset,0,p.len,ss.end_offset)/60) * 60 )/86400 end_dttm
,1 gabriel_airing_ct
from s_sch_off ss
,s_obj so
,s_obj_group sog
,ge_net_broadcast_time nettm
,ps_air_byte psab
,ge_calendar_qtrs q
,p_programs p
where ss.s_week between q.start_dt and q.end_dt and q.year_num = in_year -- BN !!3 and q.qtr_num = in_qtr -- BN !!3 and q.cal_id = 1 and ss.sell_sch_id = in_netId and so.type_id = in_typeId and psab.air_byte = ss.air_byte and ss.sell_sch_id = nettm.net_id and ss.s_week between nettm.valid_begin_dt and nettm.valid_end_dt and ss.prg_id = p.prg_id and ss.sell_id = so.sell_id and so.s_obj_group_id = sog.s_obj_group_id order by,ss.s_offset,ss.bgn_offset; lr_lastRow lc_GabrielAiring%rowtype; ln_holeCount number := 0; lb_first boolean := true;

   kn_telecastType constant number := 2;    kn_daypartType constant number := 4;    type ltn_table is table of number index by binary_integer;    ltn_sellTypeIds ltn_table;
   type ltc_table is table of varchar(50) index by binary_integer;    ltc_SellTypeName ltc_table;
   ln_iType          number;
   ln_pgmId          number;
   ln_ShouldHaveSellingTitleCount number;
   ProgramShouldHaveSellingTitle boolean := true;

   lnStartOfDay number;
   lnEndOfDay number;

   procedure RecordHole( ir_row lc_GabrielAiring%rowtype, in_prgId number, ir_lastRow lc_GabrielAiring%rowtype, ic_type varchar2 ) is

      lc_insertText varchar2(20);
      ln_firstTime number;
      ln_lastTime number;
      if ic_type = 'H' then
         lc_insertText := 'Hole ';
         ln_firstTime := ir_lastRow.start_dttm - ir_row.bday;
         ln_lastTime := ir_lastRow.end_dttm - ir_row.bday;
         lc_insertText := 'Ovlp ';
         ln_firstTime := ir_lastRow.start_dttm - ir_row.bday;
         ln_lastTime := ir_lastRow.end_dttm - ir_row.bday;
      end if;

                           ,ir_lastRow.start_dttm - ir_row.bday
                           ,ir_lastRow.end_dttm - ir_row.bday
                            ||' ends at '
                            ||to_char( ir_lastRow.end_dttm, 'hh24:mi' )
                           ,'     ('
                            ||' starts at '
                            ||to_char( ir_row.start_dttm, 'hh24:mi' )
      ln_holeCount := ln_holeCount + 1;



   dbms_output.put_line( chr(9) );
   dbms_output.put_line( 'Gabriel Selling Schedule Holes' );
   dbms_output.put_line( chr(9) );
   ltn_SellTypeIds(1) := kn_telecastType;
   ltc_SellTypeName(1) := 'Title Specific Sell Ids ("2" type)';
   ltn_sellTypeIds(2) := kn_daypartType;    ltc_SellTypeName(2) := 'Daypart Sell Ids ("4" type)';    lr_lastRow.bday := to_date('1-jan-1900','dd-mon-yyyy');
  • DKN has a 6AM start of broadcast day, but they don't schedule anything until 10AM or after 1PM if in_netId = 95 then lnStartOfDay := 14400; lnEndOfDay := 25200; else lnStartOfDay := 0; lnEndOfDay := 86400; end if;

   for ln_iType in 1..2 loop

      dbms_output.put_line( chr(9) );
      dbms_output.put_line( chr(9) );
      dbms_output.put_line( ltc_SellTypeName( ln_iType ) );
      dbms_output.put_line( chr(9) );
--      PrintScheduleAnomolyHdg;
      dbms_output.put_line(   '.                PrgId/  Program Title/'
      dbms_output.put_line(   'Date     TC id   SID     Problem
Description' );
      dbms_output.put_line(   '-------- ------- -------
---------------------------------------------------------' );
      for lr_GabrielAiring in
         if lr_lastRow.bday != lr_GabrielAiring.bday then
            if lr_GabrielAiring.offset != lnStartOfDay then  -- On day
change, should have something at start of day
               RecordHole( lr_GabrielAiring, lr_GabrielAiring.prg_id,
lr_lastRow, 'H' );
            end if;
            if lr_lastRow.offset + lr_lastRow.len != lnEndOfDay then
-- On day change, should have something at end of previous day
               RecordHole (lr_lastRow, lr_lastRow.prg_id, lr_lastRow,
'H' );
            end if;
            if lr_lastRow.end_dttm > lr_GabrielAiring.start_dttm then
               RecordHole( lr_GabrielAiring,
lr_GabrielAiring.prg_id,lr_lastRow, 'O' );
            elsif lr_lastRow.end_dttm < lr_GabrielAiring.start_dttm
               -- Find all of the programs in the schedule between this
time slot
               -- and the end of the last time slot

               ln_ShouldHaveSellingTitleCount := 0;

               for crec in (select ps.prg_id
                              from p_sch_off ps,p_programs p
                             where prg_sch_id = in_netId
                               and prg_sched_dt = lr_GabrielAiring.bday
                               and ps.prg_id = p.prg_id
                               --and ((lr_lastRow.end_offset > 0
                               --      and prg_offset >=
                               --    or (lr_lastRow.end_offset = 0
                               --      and prg_offset >
                               and prg_offset >= lr_lastRow.offset
                               and prg_offset <
                  ln_pgmId := crec.prg_id;

				  for rc_findProgram in (select prg_id from dci_prg_with_no_sid
where prg_id = lr_GabrielAiring.prg_Id ) loop
                  ProgramShouldHaveSellingTitle := false;
                  end loop;

                  if ProgramShouldHaveSellingTitle = true
                    ln_ShouldHaveSellingTitleCount :=
ln_ShouldHaveSellingTitleCount + 1;
                  end if;
               end loop;
               if ln_ShouldHaveSellingTitleCount > 0
                 RecordHole( lr_GabrielAiring, ln_pgmId, lr_lastRow,
'H' );
               end if;
            end if;
         end if;
         lr_lastRow := lr_GabrielAiring;
      end loop l_checkGabrielForHoles;

   end loop l_types;
   dbms_output.put_line( chr(9) );
   dbms_output.put_line( ln_holeCount || ' hole(s) in Gabriel schedule found.' );
end Check_For_Gabriel_Holes;

Please help or

Joe Received on Mon Jun 12 2006 - 20:46:29 CEST

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