Forms 6i and overlay problem

From: Scott <>
Date: 11 Aug 2005 12:08:47 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I am wondering if anyone has ever seen the problem that we are now seeing and if they found the answer to preventing it.

On Windows NT PCs accessing the application thru a web portal our users are frequently seeing screen overlays (it looks like multiple canvas of the form are painted onto the screen at the same time). It doesn't always happen, but it happens way too much and is effecting productivity.

Running client server we do not see these problems.

I tried using F5 after it happens and that gives limited relief (too many times the F5 will clear the screen of everything, including the data displayed).

I have also tried hide/show_window, but that is only for Windows and I suspect that it is a nop on the web.

Any help would be appreciated (yes, I know that we should get on a supported release of Forms, but that isn't my call). Received on Thu Aug 11 2005 - 21:08:47 CEST

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