Re: Newbie to Oracle

From: The Raven <>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 20:51:42 +1000
Message-ID: <426785c7$0$10301$>

[Quoted] As a follow up to my original ramblings I'd like to thank all those who responded. Yes, I realise that a lot of effort needs to be expended getting up to speed on this but Oracle is not a product I'm supposed to be supporting (my boss thinks otherwise despite the corporate statements about it).

[Quoted] In case you missed it, I'm very frustrated with Oracle at the moment. I've been pushing my boss for some form of training for the last few years and haven't got it. As a result, trying to battle through Oracle with no mentors or assistance is getting me nowhere but frustration city.

[Quoted] From what I've read here, and found via search engines etc, 9iAS is a dog of [Quoted] a product. Not surprised given that some Oracle corporation consultants groaned when we asked them about it and then quoted a very high price. Not even our internal Oracle guys are giving me any sensible answers to basic question...which suggest they are barely coping as well.

[Quoted] I'm going to focus my efforts into 10g starting by acquiring some of the Oracle CD based training courses (my boss wants to know if we can squeeze a discount out of Oracle - jeez....).

[Quoted] As for Oracle 9i and 9iAS, I'm going to forget it and leave my boss to sort out any promises he makes to customers regarding us (aka me) doing installation. Fact is I haven't been able to get past the simplest stages of AS and shouldn't be set free on a customers Oracle installation with no experience or training... it's a recipe for disaster.

Once again, thanks. I will be taking up some of the suggestions, particularly the book titles.

The Raven
** Now I will bring chaos to the world!
Received on Thu Apr 21 2005 - 12:51:42 CEST

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