Re: table type, table of number is slow when selected from

From: Sybrand Bakker <>
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 11:49:15 +0100
Message-ID: <>

On 24 Mar 2005 14:23:28 -0800, wrote:

>I have created a table type called num_tab as table of numbers.
>(create type num_tab as table of number)
>I use this table type in a function to temporary store a list of
>numbers which is used in a where clause of a separet query. It works
>fine, but it is slow. Can the type be indexed? Is there something
>better to use? Thanks.
>Here is how I use it:
> select dbctr bulk collect into v_numtab
> from custom_list_d
> where dbkey = dbctr_passedin;
> select sum(dbsand)
> into v_count
> from usage_summary
> where dbtype = 's'
> and dbctr IN (select * from table(v_numtab))
> and dbweek > 0
> and dbyearperweek >= v_start_year_period
> and dbyearperweek <= v_end_year_period;

Any reason why you can't use an ordinary subquery. Right now you are splitting up one statement into two! How would that be efficient? Rather tune the original statement!

Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBA
Received on Sat Mar 26 2005 - 11:49:15 CET

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