Joining different (nested) levels of an XML

From: <>
Date: 14 Mar 2005 14:34:54 -0800
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] HI, I have an XMLType column that ha the following XML structure:


  <Report id = "01">

<Item id = "01" Description = ",a.mdfbnelt;yuk" </Item>
<Item id = "02" Description = "AAAAA;yuk" </Item>
<Item id = "03" Description = "XXXXX" </Item>
  <Report id = "02">

<Item id = "01" Description = ",ABCDEF" </Item>
<Item id = "02" Description = "JHIKLM" </Item>
<Item id = "03" Description = "OPQRST" </Item>

I would like to extract and insert data into the following file

Table MyTable(Client, Report_id, Item_id, Description)

So I created the following query

extractValue(VALUE(x), '/Client/_at_id')) Client,
extractValue(VALUE(d), '/Report/_at_id') Report,
extractValue(VALUE(e), '/Item/_at_id') Description,
extractValue(VALUE(e), '/Item/_at_Description) Description
TABLE(xmlsequence(extract(VALUE(x), '/Client/Report'))) d, TABLE(xmlsequence(extract(VALUE(x), '/Client/Report/Item'))) e

But I get the cartesian product of the reports and the items. I would like to get the items related to a reports AND the report id on the same line. If it is not possible, I would like to filter out the items belonging to report; some kind of where clause.

Anybody has an idea?

Thank you,
CCote Received on Mon Mar 14 2005 - 23:34:54 CET

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