RMAN seemingly not responding

From: Todd Hobdey <thobdey_at_ifuckinghatespam.com>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 14:44:47 -0600
Message-ID: <412f9d3f$0$91008$39cecf19_at_news.twtelecom.net>

[Quoted] Running Oracle 9i on Redhat A/S. When I type RMAN, I just get "dead air" instead of an RMAN> prompt. I can type and it echos, but that's the extent of it - almost like I'm in vi. I have to ctrl-C to get out of it. This is this way on two different servers of similar configuration. Is there something simple I'm missing here? Received on Fri Aug 27 2004 - 22:44:47 CEST

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