Oracle 9iAS Forms Services Java access problem

From: TJ <>
Date: 10 Aug 2004 10:36:26 -0700
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] I have a java program that is run from a HPUX server cron job to check the status of my Oracle 9iAS Forms Services running on a Windows 2000 server. The program determines if the Forms Services restarted after a cold, off-hours backup by retrieving and reading base.htm.

I have 3 windows servers with "identical" configurations of 9iAS Forms Services. The java program works when running against the dev and test Forms servers but not against the production Forms server. It did work against the production Forms server until I upgraded to a few months ago. The only way to reproduce the problem against the test Forms server is to rename base.htm so the program can't find it. default.env,forms90.conf,formsweb.cfg all appear to be identical. Paths and other environmental variables are identical on the windows Forms servers. The java program fails or succeeds consistently on 3 different HPUX servers both in cron and from the command line.   

The error message is: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL:

Java is 1.3.1 on all environments.


public class auRLTest
  public auRLTest()
    try {
    URL url = new URL("http://productionserver:7778/forms90/f90servlet");     System.out.println("Opening URL connection ("+url+")");     URLConnection uc = url.openConnection ();     System.out.println("Connecting to URL");     uc.connect();
    System.out.println("Opening input stream.");     BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(       new InputStreamReader( uc.getInputStream() ) );     System.out.println("Reading file...");

    String inputLine = in.readLine();
    while (inputLine != null)
      inputLine = in.readLine();

    System.out.println("Closing file.");     in.close();
    System.out.println("Production Form Server is UP");

    catch( connectException ) {       System.out.println("***PRODUCTION FORM SERVER IS DOWN***.");

    catch( Exception exception ) {


  public static void main(String[] args)   {
    auRLTest uRLTest = new auRLTest();

Any clues or ideas are appreciated.

Thanks Received on Tue Aug 10 2004 - 19:36:26 CEST

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