Repopulation of List Items in a Data Block - Forms 6i, OEE 8.1.7

From: Jan Gelbrich <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 15:38:27 +0200
Message-ID: <>


I have problems with repopulation of List Items. For tests I made a very simple Form containing only 1 data block, with items id[Number], testvalue1, testvalue2[both varchar2]. The block is built using the wizards.

Then, I changed the 2 items Testvalue1 and Testvalue2 into List Items, to be filled with Record Groups G1 and G2.

List1(<-Group G1) works well as expected, but the goal of this test is List2 depending on it: can List2 be repopulated due to selection of List1 (using a WHEN-LIST-CHANGED trigger, that fires the following PU:


   I Number := 0;
   Az Number;
   List_Id Item;
   Rg_Id Recordgroup;

BEGIN    Rg_Id := Find_Group('G2');

--First try .......................

   If Not Id_Null(Rg_Id)

   End If;
   Rg_Id := Create_Group_From_Query('G2',
'Select value2, To_Char(Id) ' ||
'From jg_g2 '--||
'Where value1 = :Jg_Testtab.Testvalue1 '||
'Order By value1'


   --gives errors:
   -- FRM-41072: ....
   -- FRM-41331: ....
   --(I did RTFM, but did not know what to do against it ...)

--Alternative try .............................

   Az := Populate_Group_With_Query( Rg_Id,
'Select value2, To_Char(Id) ' ||
'From jg_g2 '--||
'Where value1 = :Jg_Testtab.Testvalue1 '||
'Order By value1'


   --gives errors:

  • FRM-41076: ....
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - List_Id := Find_Item( 'JG_Testtab.Testvalue2' ); Clear_List( List_Id );
  • Az := Populate_Group( Rg_Id ); only with first try Populate_List( List_Id, Rg_Id );

END; Is it possible to build
a chain of conditionally refilled list items *at all* ? Or is it impossible in a data block ?
In control blocks, it can be done ...

I would appreciate any comments,
Thank You in advance.

Forms 6i, OEE 8.1.7, Windows Clients. Received on Mon Jun 14 2004 - 15:38:27 CEST

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