Reducing (Oracle) ODBC bugs as much as possible?

From: Sten Westerback <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 06:12:15 GMT
Message-ID: <3ZSxc.18605$>


Do anyone know which Oracle ODBC driver version is the most bug free? As one can see in numerous articles on the net there is clearly a resource leak in the ODBC driver and also in the Microsoft MDAC modules (which can be fixed).

I have now tried with Oracle 8i and 9i and both experience different problems. Version 8, according to Process Explorer (, leaves a event handle behind for every query and version 9 leaves two semaphores and manages to close an event handle. The unnamed kernel objects are probably from inside a critical section that isn't removed properly especially if the query is very short and fast. Use of connection pooling might also play a role.

Anyway, do anyone have experience about this? Should i get version 10 and hope it has got those problems removed? Or could it be that there is also some problem in the ODBC interface itself?

A code snipet:

SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, NULL, &henv); SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, NULL, &hdbc); if (SQLDriverConnect(hdbc, .... )

SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);

There are also, according to BoundChecker, many other bugs in Oracles code.. like sprintf and fopen stuff -- which make me believe BoundChecker might be wrong too?

  • Sten
Received on Thu Jun 10 2004 - 08:12:15 CEST

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