Re: Seeking recursive solution to replace nested for-loops

From: Michelle Romano <>
Date: 3 Mar 2004 05:55:49 -0800
Message-ID: <>

> Ah...I see. Would you mind posting your current nested-loop solution
> as a starting point?
> Thanks,
> Dave

[Quoted] Not at it is. Note that this is a scaled down version, which will basically generate each combination via parm_list. This version will just display the pair combinations (using put_text). You will notice that I need to comment out the outer loop to prevent generating individual parameters. That is one of the issues with the nested for-loop solution. Within the loop, I also run a function against each combination generated (normally resides where I've added the comment "Run function against parm list here"). My goal is to create a function to return combination values to replace parm_list values currently generated by the for-loop.

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure run_combo is

parm_count pls_integer := 0;
parm_list varchar2(500);

Type parmArrayType is table of varchar2(100)

      index by pls_integer;
parm_array parmArrayType;
cursor ptx_cur is
  select parm
    from parm_table_xref
   order by parm;

ptx_rec ptx_cur%rowtype;    


   open ptx_cur;   


      fetch ptx_cur into ptx_rec;
	   exit when (ptx_cur%notfound);
      parm_count := parm_count + 1;
      parm_array(parm_count) := ptx_rec.parm;
   end loop;

   close ptx_cur;   

   for i in 1..parm_count loop   

  • parm_list := parm_array(i);
  • put_text(parm_list);
  • Run function against parm list here --
      for j in i+1..parm_count loop -- parameter pairs 
         parm_list:= parm_array(i)||', '||parm_array(j);
-- Run function against parm list here --       
      end loop; -- j loop 

   end loop; -- i loop   

end run_combo;
/ Received on Wed Mar 03 2004 - 14:55:49 CET

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