Re: Error when displaying standard report OEM query

From: Matthias Wirtz <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 11:05:52 -0500
Message-ID: <btjv72$7rts2$>

jeff31 wrote:

> When I execute a standard report, on some query I have this following
> error.

Your error code is ORA-00972:

ORA-00972 identifier is too long

Cause: The name of a schema object exceeds 30 characters. Schema objects are tables, clusters, views, indexes, synonyms, tablespaces, and usernames. Action: Shorten the name to 30 characters or less.

> wstring sqlStmt="/* OracleOEM */ select "Nom de la BdD",
> e.global_name "Nom global", b.banner "Version de la BdD", c.host_name "Nom
> de l'hte", c.instance_name "Nom de l'instance", c.startup_time "Heure de
> dmarrage de l'instance", decode(c.logins,'RESTRICTED','YES','NO') "Mode
> restreint", a.log_mode "Mode ARCHIVELOG", decode(a.open_mode,'READ
> ONLY','YES','NO') "Mode Lecture seule" from v$database a, v$version b,
> v$instance c, global_name e WHERE b.banner LIKE '%Oracle%';

In your statement for example the column alias "Heure de dmarrage de l'instance" has more than 30 characters.

PS: Don't know to what you are referring with "OEM report" and what db version & os you are using.

Matthias Wirtz - Norfolk, USA
Received on Wed Jan 07 2004 - 17:05:52 CET

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