Re: User friendly error massage in dev6i

From: Tiago Rocha <>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 11:31:09 -0300
Message-ID: <>

On 23 Dec 2003 05:41:09 -0800, (why) wrote:

>When we impliment rules creating the table
>if that rules violated we get error in sqlplus
>" ORA-00001: unique constraint (USER2.SYS_C001584) violated "
>My question is how i can show that error in
>dev6i . Means i know that it will violate
>ora-00001 ,so i want to show a massage to
>the user that he/she entered " same data again"
>Make it user friendly .

You can create an exceptions block on your pl/sql code or use an "on-error" trigger. The online help for on-error is very clear... There are some examples there... If you use exceptions block, you can check for "dup_val_on_index" exception and then check sqlerrm built in to verify what constraint was broken.


  <your code here>
  When dup_val_on_index then
    if Instr( SqlErrM, 'USER2.SYS_C001584' ) > 0 then       message( <your friendly message here> ) ;    end if ;
  When Others then
    raise ;
end ;

hope this helps.

Tiago Rocha
Recife - Brasil
Received on Tue Dec 23 2003 - 15:31:09 CET

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