Oracle Pro*C tool using the code=ANSI_C building option

From: Benoit Gilon <>
Date: 8 Sep 2003 09:23:38 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I have a very simple program which does nothing except printing a "Hello World" message to output stream..

The first line is obviously a #include <stdio.h> The include file being in /usr/include.

When I process this file, with no other options, using the default code generation option (kr_c) then no problem...

However, when I issue the command,
proc code=ansi_c iname=hello_world.pc
Then, the precompilation failed, here is the first message which is displayed on screen.

extern int vprintf(const char *, va_list);


PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "va_list" when expecting one of the following:
... auto, char, <followed by a set of legal token acceptableby PCC> The symbol auto was substituted for "va_list" to continue.

Do you have an idea about what might cause this behavior. Basically I do not see why PCC handles such lines as they are part of a system include file which is included with the #include directive and the errored line is not part of a macro definition. My PCC release string is, under HPUX11.0..

Thank you for any help on this,
Benoit Gilon Received on Mon Sep 08 2003 - 18:23:38 CEST

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