Oracle 8i - PLS-00905. Problem with type declaration

From: kenster10 <>
Date: 24 Apr 2003 04:28:38 -0700
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] My problem is outlined below:

I have 3 types

type t_client is object (

clt_id integer, 
clt_name varchar2(150), 
clt_country char(3));

type t_clients is table of t_client;

type t_client_stack as object
(clients t_clients,
pragma restrict_references (default, trust, wnds), member function equals (in_id pls_integer) return varchar2, member procedure load_clients;

type body t_client_stack as

member function get_name (in_id pls_integer) return varchar2 is begin

	for i in 1..clients.count loop
		if clients(i).clt_id = in_id then
			return clients(i).full_name;
		end if;
	end loop;
	return 'unknown';

end get_name;

member procedure load_clients is
lcur ref cursor;
lsql varchar2(500) := 'select kt_id, full_name, country from kt_client';
ldesc t_client;

self.clients := t_clients();
OPEN lcur FOR lsql;

	fetch lcur into ldesc;
	if lcur%notfound then 
		close lcur; 
	end if;
	self.clients(clients.last) := ldesc;

end loop;

end load_clients;

Now all I want to do is; within a package instantiate the type when by running a stored proc:

CREATE OR REPLACE package type_test

procedure loadviewset;

end type_test;

CREATE OR REPLACE package body type_test as

clts t_client_stack;

procedure loadviewset
v_name varchar2(150);

	 clts := t_client_stack(t_clients());
	 v_name := clts.get_name(4);
	 dbms_output.put_line('NAME: ' || v_name);

end type_test;

The compilation of the package body fails at - clts t_client_stack;

I cannot work out why. Does anyone have experience of dealing with types and had a similar problem. The error I get incidentally is:

PLS-00905: object T_CLIENT_STACK is invalid - WHY???? It compiles fine..

Thanks in advance Ken Received on Thu Apr 24 2003 - 13:28:38 CEST

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