ops$ account and OCILogon

From: John Spear <ovmstreet_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 25 Mar 2003 18:57:42 -0800
Message-ID: <1fbce63c.0303251857.25986cd2_at_posting.google.com>

I have a database with ops$ enabled in init.ora os_authent_prefix = "ops$"
remote_os_authent = true

I have in sqlnet.ora
sqlnet.authentication_services = all

In sqlplus I am able to do
sqlplus /_at_dbname and I am able to login without a password.

However in a C program using OCILogon if I use user = /
passwd = null and
dbanme = dbname
I get oracle error 'null password supplied' ORA-01005

How should this be done ?

Thanks for any pointers.
sample code will especially be useful. Received on Wed Mar 26 2003 - 03:57:42 CET

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