Re: SQL Worksheet: Bufferoverflow

From: Karsten Farrell <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 00:58:55 GMT
Message-ID: <jn2V9.826$>

DA Morgan wrote:
> I've got what I think is a better idea. Drop the DBMS_OUTPUT calls in your
> code. They do not belong in any code after debugging.
> Daniel Morgan
Just curious - FMI (For My Information):

I mostly agree with you ... but I have a whole series of "production" scripts that create and then populate all the schema objects for our application developers here (each developer is a schema owner).

They're filled with 'prompt' statements (if sqlplus) or 'dbms_output.put_line' statements (if pl/sql). It allows me to write stuff to the screen (or spooled output) that tells what's going on. A sqlplus session (with judicious 'set' commands) looks something like:

SQL> _at_schema_sequences
==Begin schema_sequences.sql

..Found n existing sequences
..Drop existing sequences
..Create sequences
....Create sequence: seq_name_1

....Create sequence: seq_name_n
..Created n sequences
==End schema_sequences.sql

I also leave all (or many of) my debugging statements in procedures, functions, and packages (just in case I need to modify them in the future and don't want to type them all in again to verify that my changes didn't break something).

Am I missing something? Or were you making a "generic" statement? Even Tom Kyte (I don't like to be a name-dropper) has a 'set serveroutput on size 1000000' in his login.sql (at least he does according to his book). Received on Wed Jan 15 2003 - 01:58:55 CET

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