Re: Using CONTINUEIF in sqlldr control file

From: Morten <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 15:05:34 +0100
Message-ID: <>

To whom it may interest.
The problem with the initial suggestion was a lacking whitespace character before the first separator char.

The problem with the second suggestion is that LAST will not recognize escape characters the way I had hoped, only NEXT and THIS will.

The ideal solution to my problem is to have sqlldr use another separator string for the logical records. To have it use eg. #<newline> instead of just the default <newline>, use the STR directive of INFILE clause, ie.

   INFILE 'data.dat' "STR X'230a'"

23 being the hex code for # and 0a for <newline> (\n)

Search: newline sqlldr loader oracle newline record continueif Received on Wed Jan 30 2002 - 15:05:34 CET

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