Re: Query performance: DivideAndConquer vs. BruteForce

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: 8 Jan 2002 16:25:03 -0800
Message-ID: <>

In article <a1fqp2$hj4$>, "David says...
>"Nuno Souto" <> wrote in message
>> Jim Kennedy doodled thusly:
>> >I haven't had this problem under Oracle. (joins greater than 3 tables)
>> me neither. this morning did an 11 table join without the slightest
>> performance problem...
> With complex subqueries, where exists and where not in's
> with outer joins?

sure, it is not a function of the number of tables -- its a function of how much data is going to have to be sifted through. Those constructs could cause you to sift through tons of data (and if you attempted to do it procedurally, on your own, in the client -- you would lose).

I'm just putting this up to show off, but this is a view that is executed internally at Oracle many thousands of times a day. Its part of a palm sync I worked on. Some of the tables referenced in here have 16 million + rows. There are exists, unions, subqueries out the whazoo, calls to custom PLSQL functions for timezones and other things, queries on queries on queries and probably more then 16 tables (never counted them).

It runs in about a second at most, typically subsecond (a function of the number of events a person has ever scheduled in their tenure). I had the choice of either filtering the data on the client (a palm sync conduit) or letting the database do my work for me. I always choose the database - and trust me, its way faster (not saying the first query you write will be faster, you might have to tune it but it'll be faster)

create or replace force view wwv_date_book_sync_schedulesV2 as

select user                                                USERNAME,
       rownum+200000                                       SEQNO,
       nvl(event_reminder,0)                               ALARM_ADVANCE_TIME,
       0                                                   ALARM_ADVANCE_UNIT,
       event_title                                         DESCRIPTION,
       date_time_begin_local+length_minutes/1440           END_DATE,
       decode( nvl(event_reminder,0), 0, 'N', 'Y' )        ISALARMED,
       isrepeating                                         ISREPEATING,
       decode( nvl(length_minutes,0), 0, 'Y', 'N' )        ISUNTIMED,
       event_notes                                         NOTE,
       decode( event_recur_type, 'NO_REPEAT', 0, 'DAILY', 1,
               'WEEKDAYS', 2, 'WEEKLY', 2, 'BIWEEKLY', 2, 'MONTHLY_DATE', 4,
               'MONTHLY_DAY', 3, 'YEARLY', 5, null )       REPEAT_TYPE,
       event_recur_end_date_local                          REPEAT_END_DATE,
       decode( event_recur_type, 'NO_REPEAT', 0,
       decode(event_recur_type,'NO_REPEAT', 0,
              date_time_begin_local- next_day(date_time_begin_local-7, 'SUN')) 
       decode( event_recur_type, 'NO_REPEAT', 0, event_recur_month_week-1)     
       0                                                  REPEAT_START_WEEK,
       date_time_begin_local                              START_DATE,
       nvl( palm_id, 0 )                                  PALM_ID,
      'N'                                                 IS_ARCHIVED,
       decode( deleted_as_of, to_date('01010001','ddmmyyyy'), 'N', 'Y' )       
       decode( palm_id, NULL, 'Y', 'N' )                 IS_NEW,
       decode( palm_id, NULL, 'N', 'Y' )                 IS_MODIFIED,
       event_private                                     IS_PRIVATE,
       id                                                DB_ID,
      'N'                                                FROM_PALM,
       created_on                                        CREATED_ON,
       deleted_as_of                                     DELETED_AS_OF,
       api_updated_on                                    API_UPDATED_ON,
       table_from               ,

  ( select decode( length_minutes, 0, trunc(a.date_time_begin),
                     decode( a.date_time_begin, null, to_date(null),
                              get_adjusted_time( a.date_time_begin,
to_number(substr( userenv('client_info'), 1, instr(userenv('client_info'),',')-1)) ) ) )
           AS date_time_begin_local,
           decode( length_minutes, 0, trunc( a.event_recur_end_date ),
                     decode( a.event_recur_end_date, null, to_date(null),
                         get_adjusted_time( a.event_recur_end_date,
to_number(substr( userenv('client_info'), 1, instr(userenv('client_info'),',')-1)) ) ) )

           AS event_recur_end_date_local, id, event_reminder, event_title, nvl(length_minutes,0) length_minutes,

           event_recur_type, event_recur_frequency, event_recur_month_week, event_private, isrepeating, event_notes,palm_id,

           created_on, deleted_as_of, api_updated_on, table_from, event_owner
      from ( select, event_reminder, event_title, 
                    nvl(length_minutes,0) length_minutes,
                    event_recur_type, event_recur_frequency,
event_recur_month_week, event_private, event_recur_end_date,
                    date_time_begin , 'Y' isrepeating,
                    wwv_date_book_sync_utils_pkg.get_rules_notes( a.rowid ) 
                    event_notes, palm_id,
                    created_on, deleted_as_of, api_updated_on, 'RULES' 
                    table_from, event_owner
               from wwv_cal_schedules_rules$  a,
                    wwv_date_book_sync_id_mapping b,
                    ( select distinct event_recur_rule_id
                        from wwv_cal_schedules$
                       where event_owner in ( select * from 
                                               wwv_date_book_sync_eventowners )
                         and event_recur_rule_id <> 0
                         and deleted_as_of = to_date( '01010001', 'ddmmyyyy' ) 
                    ) c
              where = c.event_recur_rule_id
                and a.deleted_as_of = to_date( '01010001', 'ddmmyyyy' )
                and b.username(+) = USER
                and       =
                and b.isrule(+)   = 'Y'
                and (   ( is NULL )

or ( is not NULL and greatest(
a.deleted_as_of,nvl(a.api_updated_on,to_date('01010001','ddmmyyyy')) ) > to_date(substr(userenv('client_info'),instr(userenv('client_info'),',')+1),'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))
              union all
             select, event_reminder, event_title, 
                    nvl(length_minutes,0) length_minutes,
                    'NO_REPEAT' event_recur_type, 1 event_recur_frequency,
                    to_number(null) event_recur_month_week, event_private, 
                    to_date(null) event_recur_end_date,
                    date_time_begin , 'N' isrepeating,
                    wwv_date_book_sync_utils_pkg.get_schedules_notes( a.rowid ) 
                    event_notes, palm_id,
                    created_on, deleted_as_of, api_updated_on, 
                    'SCHEDULES' table_from, event_owner
               from wwv_cal_schedules$  a,
                    wwv_date_book_sync_id_mapping b
              where a.event_owner in ( select * from 
                                            wwv_date_book_sync_eventowners )
                and a.deleted_as_of = to_date( '01010001', 'ddmmyyyy' )
                and ( event_recur_rule_id = 0
                      (event_recur_rule_id <> 0 and change_exception = 'Y')
                and b.username(+) = USER
                and       =
                and b.isrule(+)   = 'N'
                and (   ( is NULL )     
or ( is not NULL and greatest(
a.deleted_as_of,nvl(a.api_updated_on,to_date('01010001','ddmmyyyy')) ) > to_date(substr(userenv('client_info'),instr(userenv('client_info'),',')+1),'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))
              union all
             select, null event_reminder, null event_title, 0 
                    decode( isrule, 'Y', 'WEEKLY', 'NO_REPEAT' ) 
                    event_recur_type, 1 event_recur_frequency,
                    to_number(null) event_recur_month_week, 'N' event_private, 
                    to_date(null) event_recur_end_date,
                    to_date(null) date_time_begin , isrule isrepeating,
                    null event_notes, palm_id,
                    to_date(null) created_on, sysdate deleted_as_of, 
                    to_date(null) api_updated_on, 'ID_MAPPING' table_from,
               from wwv_date_book_sync_id_mapping a
              where username = USER
                and ( ( isRule = 'Y'
                        not exists ( select null
                                       from wwv_cal_schedules_rules$
                                      where id =
                                        and event_owner in 
                                              ( select * from 
                                                wwv_date_book_sync_eventowners )
and deleted_as_of = to_date( '01010001', 'ddmmyyyy' )
                   or ( isRule = 'N'
                        not exists ( select null
                                       from wwv_cal_schedules$
                                      where id =
and event_owner in ( select * from wwv_date_book_sync_eventowners ) and ( deleted_as_of = to_date( '01010001', 'ddmmyyyy' )
( event_recur_rule_id <> 0 and change_exception = 'N' )
                   or ( isRule = 'N'
                        exists (     select null
                                       from wwv_cal_schedules$
                                      where id =
and event_owner in ( select * from wwv_date_book_sync_eventowners ) and event_recur_rule_id <> 0 and change_exception = 'N'
           ) a

>> Cheers
>> Nuno Souto
Thomas Kyte (    
Expert one on one Oracle, programming techniques and solutions for Oracle.  
Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corp 
Received on Wed Jan 09 2002 - 01:25:03 CET

Original text of this message