OO40 session remains active until workbook closed

From: Mikez <mzullo_at_na2.us.ml.com>
Date: 23 Nov 2001 08:21:48 -0800
Message-ID: <27debcba.0111230821.5ca9cc94_at_posting.google.com>

[Quoted] Using OO40 to connect EXCEL Vba to Oracle on UNIX I find the Oracle session remains active until you close the workbook. Closing the database object and setting the session object to "Nothing" does not end the session.


Option Explicit
Dim OraSessiOn As Object
Dim DB As Object
Dim oradynaset As Object

Sub db_connect()
Dim sql As String
Dim rc As Integer
Dim sUser As String
Dim sPswd As String
Dim sInstance As String

On Error GoTo ErrProc1
sUser = "xxupload"
sPswd = "xxupload"
sInstance = "xxxprod"

[Quoted] Set OraSessiOn = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") Set DB = OraSessiOn.DbOpenDatabase(sInstance, sUser & "/" & sPswd, 0&)

' Count Active Sessions

sql = "select count(*) from v$session where upper(username) = '" & UCase(sUser) & "'"
Set oradynaset = DB.DbCreateDynaset(sql, 0&) [Quoted] MsgBox ("Active Sessions # 1 = " & oradynaset.fields(0).Value)

' End the current session

Set oradynaset = Nothing
Set OraSessiOn = Nothing

' This count should fail but it doesnt

sql = "select count(*) from v$session where upper(username) = 'APUPLOAD'"
Set oradynaset = DB.DbCreateDynaset(sql, 0&)

MsgBox ("Active Sessions # 2 = " & oradynaset.fields(0).Value)

Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Error in 0040 " & Error(Err))
End Sub

2 Things I have noticed.

  1. If I define the objects locally the session will end when it hits the "Exit Sub".
  2. If I run this once both message boxes show 1 active session, when I run it a second time the first one shows 2 sessions the second shows only 1.

[Quoted] Is there any way I can force Oracle to end the session ? We have many Vba apps talking to oracle via 0040 and wind up with a high number of inactive Oracle sessions. Received on Fri Nov 23 2001 - 17:21:48 CET

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