Forms madness - can't HOST(COPY... ) with a dir with spaces

From: John Estess <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:49:13 GMT
Message-ID: <10AT6.9070$>

[Quoted] This is my pathetic test case. I'm trying to copy a file to the directory c:\aa aa

No, I can't do much about the spaces in the name. In a WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger, I have:

[Quoted] v_command varchar2(256);

[Quoted] v_command := 'copy c:\whoops.dat c:\'||'"'||'aa aa' || '"' || ''; message(v_command);


[Quoted] It looks OK and the string that it gives in the message is the same that works in CMD.EXE and COMMAND.COM
I'm confused. Why doesn't this work. What will? PPPLLLLEEEAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEE???? John Estess
please cc to my address - I can't access newsgroups from work. Thank you. Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:49:13 CEST

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