Re: INSTR challenge

From: Stuart Turton <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 03:22:57 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Alternatively, dbms_utility.comma_to_table


Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
------------------------------ ----------------------- ------ --------
LIST                           VARCHAR2                IN
TABLEN                         BINARY_INTEGER          OUT
TAB                            TABLE OF VARCHAR2(227)  OUT

Jenny Farnham wrote:

> I have a character field that holds something like
> this:
> 12345,678,123
> The comma is like a delimeter.
> So, ultimately I'd like to pull out
> 12345 and 678 and 123
> I know INSTR will return the location of the commas and
> I could use sustr to help, but how do I get all 3 numbers
> to be pulled out?
> Thanks,
> Jen
Received on Fri Feb 23 2001 - 04:22:57 CET

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