Re: Help?: Authentification - NIS+ & Oracle Web

From: Sree Mokkapati <>
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 15:43:18 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Yes, we did just that for a web based timesheet application - here is a code that can be worked
around to do what you need to do: "validate.c"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <shadow.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

  main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct spwd *pwd2;
// char *encrypted_passwd;

    char user[40], clearPassword[512];

    if(argc != 3)

        fprintf(stderr,"Usage: validate username clearpassword\n");

    pwd2=getspnam(argv[1]); //argv[1]);
// encrypted_passwd = crypt(argv[2], "r0");

    if(pwd2 != NULL) {

      printf("Shadow Name.........: [%s]\n",pwd2->sp_namp);
      printf("Shadow Password.....: [%s]\n",pwd2->sp_pwdp);
      if (strcmp (crypt (argv[2], pwd2->sp_pwdp), pwd2->sp_pwdp) == 0) {
      else {
        printf("\n\nInvalid Password!\n\n");
    else {
      fprintf(stderr,"User \"%s\" not found!\n",argv[1]);


Dan Kirkpatrick wrote:

> I'm looking for a way to be able to authenticate users in our oracle
> web applications, by checking against our Solaris Unix NIS+ maps.
> Is there a way to have a function, lets say a 'C' program that will
> send NIS+ a username and password, and NIS+ will return whether it was
> valid or not?
> If not... is there any other way?
> Has anyone done anything like this?
> How can we go about it?
> I TOTALLY appreciate your help!
> Dan Kirkpatrick
> Rome Laboratory, Griffiss Technology Park
Received on Sat Feb 10 2001 - 00:43:18 CET

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