Developer/2000 Forms 4.5 conversion to Developer 6

From: Scott A. Haas <>
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 20:53:18 -0400
Message-ID: <>

We are in the process of porting applications from Developer/2000 Forms 4.5 to Developer 6.
I was wondering if the following situation has ever occurred for anyone else out there:

During the conversion process that Developer 6 performs on the forms, it somehow changes 1 of the following things: 1. Changes Primary Canvas property in property pallete of Window to an unrelated canvas
2. Changes Window property in property pallete of Canvas to an unrelated window.

For instance, if our canvases and windows have the same names, ie. X - canvas #1 X - window #1

      Y - canvas #2 Y - window #2

So, during the forms conversion, canvas X's property pallete may have Y set as its window (should be X)
Or window Y's property pallete will have X as it's primary canvas.

Has this happened to anyone else ? Is there anyway to stop this from happening ?

Scott Received on Mon Aug 21 2000 - 02:53:18 CEST

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