
From: Frank Bluemel <>
Date: 2000/06/06
Message-ID: <>#1/1


[Quoted] i will fill a separate database from a source database. I have write Procedure to do that, but the problem is, the source database is a produktion database. The problem when i make a insert in the destination [Quoted] database i get the error parent key not found while the database is not aktuell.
[Quoted] I'am serching for a tool what do the following.

  1. Insert and Update data in a destination database whitout cancel the process.
  2. Variable select statements for the query in the source database
  3. scheduling from differend statements
  4. connection over sql*net or odbc

can anyone tell me a program who do this.

Frank Received on Tue Jun 06 2000 - 00:00:00 CEST

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