Exp from, import into

From: Shannon St. Dennis <sstdenni_at_cityregina.com>
Date: 2000/05/05
Message-ID: <3912fa79$1_at_news3.cableregina.com>#1/1

DatabaseA is at oracle v8.0.5
[Quoted] DatabaseB is at oracle v7.3.4

I need to export some tables from databaseA and import them into databaseB

Is there a quick/easy way to do this?

I am on AIX v4.2.1. Each database is on a different server. I am thinking [Quoted] of using replication in the long run and I will be updating DatabaseB to 8.1.6 in a few months but for now I need to copy these tables around in the [Quoted] current configuration.

Shannon St. Dennis
sstdenni_at_cityregina.com Received on Fri May 05 2000 - 00:00:00 CEST

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