webdb listener

From: Raymond van Daelen <daelen_at_wxs.nl>
Date: 2000/04/25
Message-ID: <3905F892.8DC14956_at_wxs.nl>#1/1


[Quoted] I have a problem with the webdb listener. I have Oracle 8.0.5 installed on redhat Linux (6.0) and webdb- Unfortunalt I cannot start the Listener, as becomes clear from the following message as present in de log file:

Attempting to Listen on pomerol, port 1521 at 25/Apr/2000:14:53:44. Fatal error: bind failed

Does anyone have an idea as to what might be the cause of this error? I would greatly appreciated any help!


Raymond Received on Tue Apr 25 2000 - 00:00:00 CEST

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