help - pl/sql procedure for data summary

From: lifter <>
Date: 2000/04/20
Message-ID: <>#1/1

[Quoted] I'm new to Oracle and need help with logic in a PL/SQL procedure. Goal is to perform a calcuation on detail records and then output a summary file. Read on if you can help!

Table1 (transaction detail): account#, date, time, duration [10 million+ records]
Table2 (customer info): account#, group [500+ records] Table3 (group info): group, avg_duration [10 records]

For each transaction I need to calculate the number of seconds that Table1.duration exceeds Table3.avg_duration. I am doing this with a function:
calc_excess(avg_duration, duration) If duration <= avg_duration, excess=0.
I have been using a cursor to link all three tables, and the fuction is part of my SELECT statement in the cursor declaration.

Here's where I need help: I need to take the results of the previous cursor and end up with the following flat file or table:
group, total_transaction_count, sum_excess_seconds This will have one record per group. How can I pass the result set of the first cursor into a second cursor and end up with the necessary summary information?

Thanks in advance!

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Received on Thu Apr 20 2000 - 00:00:00 CEST

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