webDB problems

From: Adam Lipscombe <alipscombe_at_ingenta.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 11:04:09 GMT
Message-ID: <Fr1tEx.Dzn_at_bath.ac.uk>


I am currently using webDB 2.1 but, as far as I can see, it has severe limitations.

I have a form to maintain a "users" table. To want to create new users, so all fields must be editable, however, I dont want all fields to be editable after the initial creation.. Must I have two forms, or is it possible to program the form to configure the fields ?

Also, is there any way to insert values automatically into the DB at create/update time?
For example, a "number of updates" and "creation time" columns ? (I cant use a trigger because the DB schema is fixed and there are other apps accessing it....)

What are the differences between webDB 2.1, 2.2 and 3.0? Is it worth upgrading?

Any help much appreciated....

Thanks - Adam

Adam Lipscombe             Tel: (+44) 1225 323846
Ingenta Ltd                   email:alipscombe_at_ingenta.com
BUCS Building
University of Bath
Bath BA2 7AY
Received on Tue Mar 07 2000 - 12:04:09 CET

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