Re: oracle multiple contexts

From: Markus <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 09:58:34 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Have only experiance with the OCI-API. If you mean "oracle context = OCISvcCtx" then maybe the context itself is not the problem, but the things in the context: namely OCIServer (identifying a ressource manager) and OCISession (holding the connection/security infos) and optionaly OCITrans (identifying a transaction).

We have written a MT-Server Application using OCI against Oracle and it's running quite well.

markus wrote:
> Help. Has anyone ever delt with the multiple context mechanism in
> Oracle 7.3.2 or 8.x.x ? Our design involves many threads each
> accessing an Oracle database with a different oracle context. We keep
> getting the error message "context in use". Oracle says this is
> caused when two threads try to use the same context at the same time.
> However, we are pretty sure we have guarded against this. Our server
> application is written in c++ on a DEC alpha. We are using pthreads.
> We talk to the database using embeded SQL which we compile with the
> PROC compiler then link with the c++. The documentation on the oracle
> multiple context mechanism seems very limited. Help.
Received on Thu Jan 27 2000 - 09:58:34 CET

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