Does "0" exist for DATE?

From: Casey Claiborne <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 06:35:20 -0600
Message-ID: <>


[Quoted] [Quoted] Is there a way to initialize DATE with a default? For example, an [Quoted] [Quoted] INTEGER type can be set to 0, so can a FLOAT.

For example, suppose I have a field for a Customer called DateOfMarriage. If the customer is not married, this field does not apply. What can I set it to in the database? If I use NULL, then I will have to worry about ISNULL or ISNOTNULL situations.

Any help on this issue would be *greatly* appreciated :)

TIA Casey Received on Fri Jan 07 2000 - 13:35:20 CET

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