WebDB: show_parms

From: Gorm Larsen <gorm_larsen_at_jyde.dk>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 23:43:27 +0100
Message-ID: <MPG.12db4477f94b8f18989762_at_valhal.vestjyde>

[Quoted] Connected as Web_Demo, Web_Demo_Admin or Web_Demo_Public I get an error WWV-10600 Insufficient privileges in Check_Object_Privilege when i enter an url like Web_Demos/Web_Demo.AXV_Employee.show_parms but without the _parms it works. The same happens if i use a WebDB component and choose to Display parameter form.
If I go to the development environment as Web_Demo and executes the parameters on the QBE it works.

I have:
TableUser with table Employee
As TableUser I created a view AXV_Employee as select * from TableUser.employee
Granted select on AXV_Employee to public

User Web_Demo with no select privileges and only build in schema Web_Demo

User Web_Demo created a FORM, a LINK and a QBE based on AXV_Employee named FORM_AXV_Employee etc. and (panic) granted execute to Public. LINK is created with Employee (varchar2(10)) as RowId

[Quoted] What am I missing ?

WebDB 2.2
Oracle 8iee Received on Mon Jan 03 2000 - 23:43:27 CET

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