Global Variables and WebDb

From: GSIGLA <>
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 02:02:50 -0800
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] I have a hierarchy structure and I have to display the "leaves" of the tree. My problem is to keep a trace of the knots visited in the past. The problem is:how do I pass a variable from a WebDb component to another? An example to better explain:
I want to reach a certain report, say report 2, that can be found in a certain group, say the number 3. Group number 3 can itself be found in a super-group, say number 5. So the hierarchy is 5-3-2. When I query my table searching for report number 2, I must enclose a WHERE statement whith "super_group=5" to find all and only the reports in group 3 belongong to super-group 5.
I must query this data DYNAMICALLY (i.e. my WHERE clause must be of the form "super_group=<groupid>" and groupid is user defined).
I've tried with bind variable and they did not work as I cannot pass them between 2 different webdb components. help me if you can.
Thanks for having read this far.

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Received on Mon Jan 03 2000 - 11:02:50 CET

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