[Q-Emergency] APPLTMP and NT environment variables

From: <mitiste_at_charlie.iit.edu>
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 19:17:52 GMT
Message-ID: <38593728.254872096_at_news.usenetserver.com>

        Problem description: implementation of Oracle client apps
(e.g. Discoverer) on an NT Terminal Server environment (for better
throughput on slow WAN links vs. "fat" clients, bla, bla, bla) - this way when people log in they use a common oaconfig.ora file - inside there is variable APPLTIME, which is common for everybody - my question:
1. Can I feed into that variable an NT environment variable (e.g. %username%) and HOW, because in this format
(APPLTMP=d:\users\%username%) it won't work, as Oracle expects %name%
to be one of its own aliases, and not at all an NT (underlying system) variable?
2. If no way as described above, then - if I were to totally comment out the APPLTMP in the commonly used oaconfig.ora, how would I be able to "feed" the appllication itself with this value as a parameter in a command line (I have tried, for example: d:\oracledir\aiap45.exe appltmp=d:\mydir (or appltmp/d:\mydir - trying to "copy" the way aaplsyspub seems to accept it), but it ddin't "fly"?

        Please do NOT suggest me what I am actually doing right now
(having an "ugly" batch file which copies each users' own
oaconfig.username on top of the oaconfig.ora, upon login, launching "with it" the user's own Oracle session, then copying back the original ... UGLY!

NOTE: Why would I want to do any of the above? Security reasons - improperly shutdown sessione leave traces in the temp directories, adn I want those separated by users ... you got the point ...

        I would appreciate any help in this regard (as a side note: I had this poblem called into Oracle support - neither their network, nor the database group had ANY idea of what I was talking about - I wonder who wrote the interface to NT for these guys ... oh, well ...)

Received on Thu Dec 16 1999 - 20:17:52 CET

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