Re: Testing procedures using message boxes.

From: <>
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999 20:19:18 GMT
Message-ID: <82meg1$nb7$>


There's the debugger. The debugger can sometimes be useful if you set a break point and navigate to interrogate variables.

Otherwise, use the message function:
Message('string to present on the screen');


   If there's only one Message, it comes out at the bottom of

      the form (in the status bar). So if you don't see your
      message - you may want to duplicate the message line of code,
      that way: there'll be 2 messages and the first will pop-up
      in it's own, modal, Message window.
   Concatenate form fields and variables to the string.
   You may go crazy with lots of data to present.
      Message('i='||inti||' str='||str||' fld='||:blk.fld||' so on');
   You have to delete (or comment) these message statements later,
      so start your message string with the name of the module you're
      in and at least you won't be totally lost when a boot-leg
      messages appears at some later date:
      Message('ctrl.wnri intVariable='||intVariable);
         for the control block's 'when-new-record-instance trigger
   Functions returning BOOLEAN are tricky, so call the function
      in a select statement to get useful messages.
      IF Some_Function_That_Returns_A_Boolean THEN
         Message('Cntrl.wnri Function returned a TRUE');
         Message('Cntrl.wnri Function returned a FALSE');
      END IF;

Hope It Helps, Rich

In article <>,   AdSum <> wrote:
> I need to be able to display variables or the results
> of built in functions (such as find_group or id_null) in a window,
> similar to the msgbox function or debug.print in MS Access.

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Before you buy. Received on Wed Dec 08 1999 - 21:19:18 CET

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